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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is there a difference between NATIONALISM and PATRIOTISM?

What is patriotism and nationalism? This would be my main issue that I would be covering today. Many say that nationalism and patriotism are alike, with their meaning and their root word somewhat alike. However, what they are missing out on this point is that they are totally two different words, with two meanings that are a far cry from each other.

What I don't understand is that why must people always confuse these two words with each other?

Now, I shall be addressing the issue. What are the definitions of these words? Firstly, nationalism generally involves the identification of an ethnic idntity with a state and the belief that their state or country is of primary importance and nothing can be more essential than their state or country. Secondly, patriotism is the devoted love, support and the willingness to protect one's country in times of need and the utmost loyalty to their own country.

So, then what are the differences of these two words? Nationalism is the identification of one's identity to one's country, but patriotism refers to one's devotion and loyalty to one's country. They are both different on their own aspects.

Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By "patriotism" I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people.

Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseperable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

A Patriot fights for his Country/Government as long as his Government is not breaking the law and is doing what is best for the people. A Patriot fights for his country and not his Government when his government is corrupt and evil. A Patriot fights for truth, justice, God and Country. A Patriot fights against anything, anyone and any government that takes away any of the God given rights of the people. A Patriot fights for his Country and that countries people.

A Nationalist fights for a Government and not the country or the people of the country.

These are the few obvious examples of the differences of Nationalism and Patriotism and how a patriot and a nationalist work.

Another example of nationalism is during World War I.many of the people who lived around that time did not want to be part of an empire because they did not want to be ruled by people who spoke in a different language or had a different culture. By 1900, the Ottoman's empire was too weak to stop the Slavs from breaking away from their empire, resulting in Serbia being able to become an independent country. Serbia wanted Bosnia to be part of a larger Serbian state. Austria-Hungary felt threatened by this and in 1908, it annexed Bosnia. This action infuriated many Slavs and made them set up secret societies that had only a goal in mind--to force Austria-Hungary out of Bosnia. The Russians were also of the Slavic race, so they felt that they had a duty to protect their fellow Slavs from Austria-Hungary.

A strong sense of nationalism can be seen from this tensions betwen Austria-Hungary and Bosnia and this would emplify the fact that nationalism was iportant to the Slavs and it is still as important to us as Singaporeans.

Nationalism and Patriotism are two totally different things and words with meanings that are unlike. Hopefully, everybody will know what the differences are, and what their meanings are.

Thank you.

Here is a video on Patriotism. Please enjoy the video.

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