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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reflection for the Museum Sabbatical

So after the museum sabbatical, I did a reflection and here it is for everyone to view:

After the museum sabbatical , I feel that my knowledge of Singapore’s history has increased drastically. I am able to develop better speaking habits, and not slurring the words. I also feel that I am more confident when I speak and I know how to develop good eye contact with my target audience. These speaking skills will make us a good speaker and allow us to develop better public speaking skills in the future. Learning good habits and skills from young will allow us to develop it when we are older and thus cause us to display a high Emotional Quotient and being able to socialize better with the society. I have also understood how we should stand when we are presenting an area of interest to my audience. Not only so, I have also understood my friends more in depth and how to communicate more effectively with them.

I feel that communication is very important, because in our museum sabbatical, we are doing one part per person. Therefore, when we are passing the time on to the next person, we must know what he is doing and say, “ Now, I shall pass on the time to Zhu Cheng, who will tell you more about the earliest stages of Singapore”.

We, as museum guides, must also know how to interact with our audience during the guided tour and make them seem involved in this tour. We must also begin with an arresting start like “Do you know how old Singapore is?” and capture their attention in the beginning. This would be able to make them seem that they have a part to play in the tour.

It is really a place that brings history to all through exhibitions and displays .Yet it also acts as a lecture theatre and an education and resource centre. It is also a family place for everyone to learn about the past and present in a relaxing way.

Now back to the topic on hand. After the museum sabbatical, I had made a lot of new friends from overseas such as those from Australia, Hong Kong and much more. I also learnt that girls are not to be afraid of and we should be more direct when conversing with them… You know what I mean…

Thank you

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