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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have a DREAM which I would like to achieve in the near future-get my private pilot licence. It seems costly yet there are ways for one to take to the sky. I just have to join a flying club, put in the training hours and pass the tests(both theory and practical) and obtain the licence!

I did some research on how to fulfill my dream and would like to share it with you now.

Where can I enroll as a member?

1 The Republic of Singapore Flying Club

2 Singapore Flying Club

3 The Singapore Youth Flying Club

Who can enroll as a member?

-The Singapore Youth Flying Club admits only Singapore citizens who are16 and are studying at a local JCs, Polytechnic or schools offering IB or IP .

-The other two clubs welcome all applicants.

How much do I have to pay in order to get a licence?

-Apply for a student pilot licence from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore(CAAS) which
costs $28

-Undergo physical examination at CAAS-approved medical centre costs $150-$200 and one must be between 16-60 years old.

-Next a student needs to clock in 40-70 hours of flight time before he can take the flying test for a private licence.

-$250-$280 an hour of rental for a plane and $25-$50 if a flying instructor is required during the lesson.

-Estimated cost of obtaining a private licence in both flying clubs is $30000-$35000. It includes 60-70 hrs of flying lessons+cost of membership+entrance fee+deposits and fees for 7 ground examinations ($11each)

-As for the Singapore Youth Flying Club, it will be subsidized by the club if you are being accepted as its student. If you are interested, you may want to read up more about it.

How much do I have to pay to maintain as member?

-$1000-$1500 for enrolments and ongoing monthly fees which is around a minimum cost of $80-$100 per month.

How much does it cost in total if I own a private 4 seaters airplane?

-An airplane itself can cost more than $200,000.

-After every 50 hrs of flight, it has to be sent for servicing where technicians will check for faults and change its engine oil and spark plugs.

Having this hobby of flying may sound dangerous, but with the regular servicing of aircraft and all private pilot licence-holders who are trained to check weather conditions before commencing each flight with the pilots who never stop learning, does the sky still look as daunting as it can be? With the knowledge and good control over the aircraft, the risk of flying can be reduced and the maximum enjoyment of flying in the high skies, looking down at people who look so miniscule in their coloured shirts on the ground, as if they were small ants.

As I am still under-age, I will start to save up in order to fulfill my lifelong experience of flying an aircraft on my own! It would be such an exciting and intriguing experience that you won't want to miss it!


  1. Wow, ambitious dream Ong Sean! :) I believe you can achieve your aspiration and view the world from above.

    By the way, I have followed your blog already, please follow mine:


  2. Nice, Sean! I think that you will one day, one way or another, take to the skies.
    However, I think that if you really want to fly, you should just rent the plane(heavily insured, of course.) because the 200 thousand bucks can be spent somewhere else like on college fees.
    Are you in the flying club 2nd CCA by any chance?

  3. thanks for your comments.i agree with you that owning a $200k plane is expensive esp the maintainance,can kill.its definately wiser to spend it on college fees!
    i am going for my private flying licence after college..hopefully.join me,jonah and chikcj-sky is our limit!
